Political campaigns have appeared to have taken on the adversarial qualities of a gladiator battle from our past. However, one could probably argue that the gladiator battle, as a form of entertainment, had more honor. As we head into the mid-term elections in the United States, we are subjected to the abuse that the candidates can heap upon each other.
In Kansas, as well as around the rest of the nation, campaigning has taken on a uncivilized nature. The Governor cannot be counted on to be truthful. His first campaign was a model campaign. Governor Brownback did not bash anyone but focused on what his plans were for the state. Unless you paid attention to some of the key phrases he used (which scared the you-know-what out of me), he sounded great. However, what he did after that tore this state apart.
Governor Brownback's current campaign is a completely different story. Both he and Senator Pat Roberts are slinging mud at their opponents and telling out and out lies. The internet has helped fact checking in a tremendous way. Both Republican candidates tout family and Christian values...I have one thing to say about that...THOU SHALT NOT LIE! It seems though that they have adopted the mantra of "the end justifies the means." If they are supposed to be good Christians expounding good Christian values and family values, they need to remember that Jesus said "love one another as I have loved you" and that hate is not a family value. Otherwise, as a Christian, I have no use for their brand of Christian and family values.
What my "Grown Up Christmas List" contains is a wish that politicians were honest and professional in their campaigns. Politicians can point out the differences between them and their opponents, but they need to focus on what they have done or can do that would make them a better choice. Remember, criticize ideas not people.
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